Suntan Aluminum Periodic Table

Basic Information:

Atomic Number: 13
Atomic Mass: 26.981539 amu
Melting Point: 660.37℃ (933.52 K, 1220.666 °F)
Boiling Point: 2467.0℃ (2740.15 K, 4472.6 °F)
Number of Protons/Electrons: 13
Number of Neutrons: 14
Classification: Other Metals
Crystal Structure: Cubic
Density @ 293 K: 2.702 g/cm3
Color: Silver
British Spelling: Aluminium
IUPAC Spelling: Aluminium

Atomic Structure:

Number of Energy Levels: 3
First Energy Level: 2
Second Energy Level: 8
Third Energy Level: 3


Isotope Half Life
AI-26 730000.0 years
AI-27 Stable
AI-28 2.3 minutes


Date of Discovery: 1825
Discoverer: Hans Christian Oersted
Name Origin: From the Latin word alumen
Uses: airplanes, soda cans
Obtained From: bauxite

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