Suntan Trimming Potentiometers

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

Caros clientes,

Nós fornecemos todos os tipos de potenciômetros de corte. Incluindo SMD Trimming Potenciômetros, Retangulares Trimming Potenciômetros, Wirewould Trimming Potenciômetros, Fenólicos Trimming Potenciômetros e 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 terminais Trimming Potenciômetros etc.

Potenciômetros de corte é usado por mais e mais produtos, sua aplicação incluindo receptores de satélite, modems, displays LCD, decodificadores e medidores e instrumentos, bem como dispositivos de entretenimento, como câmeras e leitores de MP3

Suntan Trimming Potentiometers


Suntan Technology Company Limited
--All Kinds of Capacitors

Esta semana, apresentamos nossos POTENCIÔMETROS DE TRIMMING.
Suntan Suporta potenciômetros de corte listados abaixo com bons preços, podendo ser substituição de peças Bourns.
Bem-vindo a verificar os preços com a gente!

Lista de potenciômetros de corte
TSR-3006 Potenciômetro de corte retangular estilo 3 terminais
Potenciômetro de corte quadrado estilo terminal TSR-3323 7
Potenciômetro de corte quadrado estilo terminal TSR-3296 5
TSR-3362 Potenciômetro de corte quadrado estilo terminal 9
Potenciômetro de corte quadrado estilo terminal TSR-3386 8
TSR-3266 Potenciômetro de corte quadrado de 5 terminais
TSR-3269 2 terminais SMD potenciômetro de corte quadrado
Potenciômetro de corte de consumidor fenólico TSR-065
Potenciômetro de corte de circularidade TSR-3329
Potenciômetro de corte redondo fenólico TSR-3318 de 6 mm
TSR-C3305 Potenciômetro de corte SMD de 3 mm

SUNTAN Trimming Potentiometers

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All Kinds of Capacitors

Caros amigos,

Suntan é um fabricante de Potenciômetros de corte com sede em Hong Kong. Incluindo Potenciômetros de Corte SMD, Potenciômetros de Corte Retangulares, Potenciômetros de Corte de Fio, Potenciômetros de Corte Fenólicos e Potenciômetros de Corte de 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 terminais etc. Consulte a lista de produtos abaixo de Potenciômetros de Corte.
SUNTAN Trimming Potentiometers

Su Suntan Trimming Potentiometers Updated

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

Дорогие все,
Компания Suntan сообщает, что некоторые из наших потенциометров тримминга уже сняты с производства, например, TSR-3269, TSR-3313 и TSR-3224.
Между тем, мы также предлагаем больше спецификаций и обновляем данные для некоторых элементов, таких как TSR-3306, TSR-3590 и TSR-3540.
Если вы покупаете нашу серию потенциометров тримминга или вам нужны какие-либо триммеры, добро пожаловать, отправьте запрос и проверьте последнюю информацию с нашей командой продаж по адресу / Спасибо!

Su Suntan Offer 6mm Cermet Round Trimming Potentiometer Again

 Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

Всем привет,
Хорошие новости здесь! Suntan предлагает "6-миллиметровый керметный круглый потенциометр для обрезки" сейчас! Этот пункт был снят с производства в течение длительного периода времени. Если вам нужны такого рода потенциометры, вы можете отправить нам запрос по адресу /, чтобы узнать нашу текущую цену. Спасибо.
6-миллиметровый керметный потенциометр с круглой подстройкой - TSR-3306:

Su Suntan Support Better on Trimming Potentiometers

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

Bom dia a todos,
Você precisa de Potenciômetros de Aparar recentemente? Suntan pode oferecer um suporte melhor em itens abaixo agora! Pls confira e envie perguntas para nossa equipe de vendas / para obter mais informações.
Potenciômetros de Ajuste de Bronzeado com Folha de Dados:
Potenciômetro Wirewound Multiturno de Precisão - TSR-3590:

Elemento Wirewound - 3540 / Elemento de Precisão - 3541 - TSR-3540:

Su Suntan Sales Office Will be Closed on 13th of May

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

Queridos clientes,
O escritório da Suntan estará fechado no dia 13 de maio para o dia de Vesak. Em Hong Kong, todo o Buda do templo realizará alguns eventos para celebrar o aniversário do Buda.
Por favor, note que nós também não vamos providenciar a transferência neste dia. Se você tiver algum caso urgente, por favor, informe suas vendas ou entre em contato conosco em agora. Vamos tentar o melhor para atender o seu pedido.

Suntan: How to Read Trimming Potentiometer ?

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

To read a potentiometer, you need a multimeter. Put in on the proper ohmmeter setting, which should be higher than that of the resistance rating of the potentiometer as noted on the package or the device. If you don't know the resistance rating, use the lowest setting of the multimeter and increase it until you get a reading.

When reading the potentiometer, one multimeter lead must always be on the wiper or middle part, and the other one can be on either of the remaining terminals. For example, place one multimeter lead on the wiper, and the other on the left terminal of the potentiometer. If you place one lead on the left terminal and the other on the right, you will read the entire value of the pot, and the resistance will not vary when you turn the knob.

Note that Inexpensive ones may approximate only fifty percent of their rated value when they are measured.

We can offer all kinds of trimming potentiometers accept very small quantity with very competetive price, the delivery time is 2 weeks around. With our good support, our sales is keep increasing each month.Any questions ,please contact us at once.

Suntan Ceramic Trimmer Potentiometer

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

Ceramic Trimmer Potentiometer Features

  1. 6mm Round/ Single-Turn/ Cermet Industrial/ Open Frame
  2. Cross slot adjustment options
  3. Horiontal andvertical mounting styles
  4. Dust resistant/ splash resistant covers
  5. PC board stand-offs and retention feature
  6. Front and top adjust styles

Ceramic Trimmer Potentiometer Electrical Characteristics

  1. Standard Resistance Range 100Ω to 1meg ohm
  2. Resistance Tolerance ±20% (TK±25%)
  3. Adjustment Angle 240°C ± 20°C
  4. Residual Resistance ≤500Ω, 10Ω>500Ω, 2% 

Ceramic Trimmer Potentiometer Pictures

Suntan Trimming Potentiometers Selling Keep Increasing

Trimming Potentiometers is used by more and more products, its application including satellite receivers, modems, LCD displays, set-top boxes, and meters and instruments, as well as entertainment devices, such as cameras, and MP3 players...

we can accept very small quantity with very competetive price , the delivery time is 2 weeks around. With our good support , our sales is keep increasing each month.

Suntan can offer all kinds of Trimming Potentiometers, as below:

  • TSR-3006 - Rectangular Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-3323 - 7 Terminal Square Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-3296 - 5 Terminal Square Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-3362 - 9 Terminal Square Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-3386 - 8 Terminal Square Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-3329 - Circularity Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-3266 - 5 Terminal Square Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-3318 - 6mm Phenolic Round Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-3306 - 6mm Cermet Round Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-3309 - 9mm Round Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-065 - Phenolic Trimming Potentiometers
  • TSR-3590 - Precision Multiturn Wirewoud Potentiometer
  • TSR-105H - 6 Terminal Trimming Potentiometers

