Su Suntan Arrange the Shipping Schedule before Christmas Holidays

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

Дорогие клиенты,

Рождество наступает. Большая часть компании будет закрыта около двух недель. Пожалуйста, примите во внимание, что, если ваша дата доставки - с конца декабря до начала января, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, чтобы снова договориться о дате доставки или заранее договориться о доставке.
Кроме того, офис продаж Suntan будет закрыт 25 декабря и 26 декабря. Также мы не будем организовывать доставку в эти два дня. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. Офис продаж:
Погода становится холоднее, пожалуйста, сохраняйте тепло и сохраняйте здоровье.

Организовать график доставки до новогодних праздников

Suntan Axial Tipo MKT & MKP Film Capacitors Série TS04

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

Suntan Axial Tipo MKT & MKP Film Capacitors Série TS04 estão em venda quente agora. Você tem uma demanda para isso?

TS04 Series são construídos com filme de polipropileno metalizado como médio e eléctrodo, embalados e selados com plástico flame-resistência e resina epóxi, com alta confiabilidade, alta temperatura resistência, volume pequeno, grande capacidade e boa propriedade de auto-cura.
TS04A-Axial metalizado capacitores de filme de poliéster, tipo cycloidal - (CL20)
TS04B-Axial metalizados capacitores de filme de poliéster, tipo oval plana - (CL20)
TS04C-Axial metalizado capacitores de filme de polipropileno, tipo cycloidal (CBB20)
TS04D-Axial metalizado capacitores de filme de polipropileno, tipo oval plana (CBB20) 

Su Suntan NIC Components Launches New Film Chip Capacitors

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

NIC Components has unveiled a new range of film chip capacitors which are designed to offer stable characteristics over a wide operating temperature range.

The NSMX series of wound, metallised polyphenylene sulphide film capacitors can be used in applications that require low-absorption characteristics.

According to the company, they are suitable for use in power supplies requiring low-loss parameters.

The product has an operating temperature range of -40 degrees c to 125 degrees c and is RoHS compliant.

NSMX series is also compatible with the latest SAC reflow soldering processes up to 260 degrees c.

The firm states that it has very stable temperature, frequency, voltage, bias and dielectric absorption, with ElectronicsTalk stating that this makes them an alternative to other dielectrics such as MLCCs.

Meanwhile, Vishay recently announced the release of three new X2 electromagnetic interference suppression film capacitors, which it claims offer an increased voltage rating while continuing to meet safety approvals.

Rapid Electronics are a leading UK supplier of electronic components, electrical products and industrial equipment to the Assembly Manufacturer sector.

Got batteries? Get Supercapacitors!

Smaller density, four times the capacity, instant recharge... awesomeness.

You smell that? It’s the silicon-enriched aroma of new technology, and the source is nothing short of amazing! A small company in Cedar Park Texas known as EEStor has claimed it has developed a battery that will solve all life’s troubles. Well, all tech enthusiasts’ troubles anyhow.

Anyone who owns, or has owned, a portable device is familiar with how irritating battery technology is. Not only does it take hours to recharge the battery, but the capacity is often mediocre at best. Furthermore, they degrade over time and their charge is lost at a rate of several percent each month. The likes of NiCad, Li-ion, NiMH and Li-Po (to name a few) all suffer these cruel flaws, and are commonly found in everything from MP3 players to notebook computers. Fortunately for consumers, a new battery technology is emerging. One that will make power issues a thing of the past – the supercapacitor.
