Su Suntan Will Begin Our Lunar New Year Holiday Soon

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

O festival mais importante para todos os chineses, o nosso Ano Novo Lunar, está chegando muito em breve.
A equipe de vendas da Suntan começará o feriado de 1º de fevereiro a 11 de fevereiro.
Se você tiver planos de compras ou requisitos urgentes recentemente, acesse nossas vendas para fazer pedidos e, em seguida, nós organizaremos a produção para você o mais breve possível.

Desejamos a todos vocês um Ano Novo feliz, saudável e próspero!
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Suntan CD293 Capacitores eletrolíticos de alumínio Snap-in para rede de alto-falantes

Suntan Technology Company Limited
--- All Kinds of Capacitors

Suntan produz profissionalmente capacitores eletrolíticos de alumínio Snap-in CD293 para a rede Speaker, ele é usado para estabilizar a corrente e evitar que a instabilidade atual prejudique o som. Aqui estão alguns detalhes sobre CD293 Snap-in Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors:

Características dos capacitores eletrolíticos de alumínio Snap-in CD293
Carregar vida de 2000 horas a 85 ℃
Alta corrente de ondulação
Montagem de PCB de tamanho menor

Especificações dos capacitores eletrolíticos de alumínio Snap-in CD293
Corrente de ondulação: 85 ℃, 120Hz
Faixa de temperatura operacional: -40 ℃ ~ + 85 ℃ (450WV: -25 ~ + 85)
Várias dimensões: 22 * 25mm ~ 35 * 50mm

Se você tem a intenção de saber mais sobre o Suntan CD293 Snap-in capacitores eletrolíticos de alumínio para rede de alto-falantes, clique no site:

Suntan Strong Product List I

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All Kinds of Capacitors

Dear customers

By managing our own website, Suntan found that many clients interested in some products of our company. In order to better server our customers, so we specially list some popular products, allowing customers to access detailed product information more quickly.

Suntan Strong Product List

M7 : SMD Rectifier M1-M7
TSV : Dipped Varistor (VDE,UL)
TS01 : Mylar Film Capacitor
TS02 : Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor
TS04 : Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor - Axial/Cycloidal
TS05 : Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor - Mini Box
TS15 : Ceramic Disc Capacitor
TS16 : High Voltage Ceramic Capacitor
TS17 : Multilayer (MONO) Axial & Radial
TS18 : Multilayer (MLCC)Ceramic Capacitor - SMD
TS19 : Dipped Tantalum Capacitor
TS20 : Chip Tantalum Capacitor - SMD
TS22 : Safety Standard Recognized Capacitor - Y
TS23 : Mica Capacitor (SM trademark)
TSC6 : Ceramic Trimmer Capacitor - 6MM

Please click on the following link for more information


Suntan Chip Tantalum Capacitor - SMD type Ammo Packing

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

Suntan is a Hong Kong based manufacturer of Tantalum Capacitor. Range includes Dipped Tantalum Capacitors, Chip Tantalum Capacitors, SMD Tantalum Capacitors etc.

Chip Tantalum Capacitor - SMD Features:
Molded case available in six case codes
Compatible with all popular 'High Volume' automatic pick and equipment
Optical character recognition qualified
Suntan Chip Tantalum Capacitor - SMD type Cross Reference:

Suntan Series Suntan Description NIC Series  AVX(KYOCERA) Kemet KOA/Hitachi Matsuo
TS20 Chip Tantalum Capacitor - SMD NTC-T TAJ T491 TMC TMC-M 265 267
Suntan Series Suntan Description  NEC Nichicon Panasonic Vishay China Part No.
TS20 Chip Tantalum Capacitor - SMD NR F93 TE(ECST) 293D CA45

Suntan Chip Tantalum Capacitor - SMD type Ammo Packing:

Su Suntan Tantalum Capacitor Reverse Voltage

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

(1)Because the solid tantalum capacitor is of polar type, do not apply a reverse voltage to it.

(2)The figure on the below shows the relationship between current and reverse voltage.

Su Suntan Analyze How Capacitors Work

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

In a way, a capacitor is a little like a battery. Although they work in completely different ways, capacitors and batteries both store electrical energy. If you have read How Batteries Work, then you know that a battery has two terminals. Inside the battery, chemical reactions produce electrons on one terminal and absorb electrons on the other terminal. A capacitor is much simpler than a battery, as it can't produce new electrons -- it only stores them.

In this article, we'll learn exactly what a capacitor is, what it does and how it's used in electronics. We'll also look at the history of the capacitor and how several people helped shape its progress.

Inside the capacitor, the terminals connect to two metal plates separated by a non-conducting substance, or dielectric. You can easily make a capacitor from two pieces of aluminum foil and a piece of paper. It won't be a particularly good capacitor in terms of its storage capacity, but it will work.

In theory, the dielectric can be any non-conductive substance. However, for practical applications, specific materials are used that best suit the capacitor's function. Mica, ceramic, cellulose, porcelain, Mylar, Teflon and even air are some of the non-conductive materials used. The dielectric dictates what kind of capacitor it is and for what it is best suited. Depending on the size and type of dielectric, some capacitors are better for high frequency uses, while some are better for high voltage applications. Capacitors can be manufactured to serve any purpose, from the smallest plastic capacitor in your calculator, to an ultra capacitor that can power a commuter bus. NASA uses glass capacitors to help wake up the space shuttle's circuitry and help deploy space probes. Here are some of the various types of capacitors and how they are used.

  • Air - Often used in radio tuning circuits
  • Mylar - Most commonly used for timer circuits like clocks, alarms and counters
  • Glass - Good for high voltage applications
  • Ceramic - Used for high frequency purposes like antennas, X-ray and MRI machines
  • Super capacitor - Powers electric and hybrid cars

In the next section, we'll take a closer look at exactly how capacitors work.

Got batteries? Get Supercapacitors!

Smaller density, four times the capacity, instant recharge... awesomeness.

You smell that? It’s the silicon-enriched aroma of new technology, and the source is nothing short of amazing! A small company in Cedar Park Texas known as EEStor has claimed it has developed a battery that will solve all life’s troubles. Well, all tech enthusiasts’ troubles anyhow.

Anyone who owns, or has owned, a portable device is familiar with how irritating battery technology is. Not only does it take hours to recharge the battery, but the capacity is often mediocre at best. Furthermore, they degrade over time and their charge is lost at a rate of several percent each month. The likes of NiCad, Li-ion, NiMH and Li-Po (to name a few) all suffer these cruel flaws, and are commonly found in everything from MP3 players to notebook computers. Fortunately for consumers, a new battery technology is emerging. One that will make power issues a thing of the past – the supercapacitor.
