Suntan Tells You Capacitor Maker Lelon Cuts Into Wind Power Market

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All Kinds of Capacitors

Aluminum electrolytic capacitor maker Lelon Electronics has seen extra orders from China appliance makers due to the China government's program to promote sales of home appliances in rural areas. The extra orders have covered Lelon's reduced orders from the US and Europe, the company said.

The price of aluminum electrolytic capacitors has been stable since August 2008, while the price of aluminum foil continues to drop, lowering Lelon's cost pressure. However, order visibility for aluminum electrolytic capacitors is still low, the company noted.

Lelon has entered the wind power market with its large-size capacitors, and plans to apply the product to other applications. The company has already shipped a small volume of large-size capacitors to a motorcycle maker and expects to expand into the automotive segment.