Suntan Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Storage Performance

When an aluminum electrolytic capacitor is stored under no load conditions for a long period of time, its leakage current tends to increase slightly. This is due to a drop in the withstand voltage of the dielectric caused by the reaction of the anode oxide layer with the electrolyte. When the voltage is applied to the capacitor, the leakage current returns to its initial level because of the re-forming action of the electrolyte (called voltage treatment). If the storage temperature is high, the leakage current will increase substantially. Therefore, it is desirable to store capacitors at normal temperature level with no direct sunlight. A voltage treatment is recommended when using a capacitor stored for a long period of time. The treatment for an individual capacitor is accomplished by charging up to its rated voltage through a resistance of about 1 kΩ and applying the voltage for approximately 30 minutes.

Suntan Mica Capacitor

These capacitors use Mica for the dielectric. Mica capacitors have good stability because their temperature coefficient is small. Because their frequency characteristic is excellent, they are used for resonance circuits, and high frequency filters. Also, they have good insulation, and so can be utilized in high voltage circuits. It was often used for vacuum tube style radio transmitters, etc.
Mica capacitors do not have high values of capacitance, and they can be relatively expensive.

Suntan Uses of Tantalum Capacitor

The low leakage and high capacity of tantalum capacitors favors their use in sample and hold circuits to achieve long hold duration, and some long duration timing circuits where precise timing is not critical. They are also often used for power supply rail decoupling in parallel with film or ceramic capacitors with low ESR and reactance at high frequency. Tantalum capacitors can replace aluminum electrolytic capacitors in situations where the external environment or dense component packing results in a sustained hot internal environment and where high reliability is important. Equipment such as medical electronics and space equipment that require high quality and reliability make use of tantalum capacitors.

Low-voltage tantalum capacitors are commonly used in large numbers for power supply filtering on computer motherboards and in peripherals due to their small size and long-term reliability.

When applying tantalum capacitors, the possibility of thermal runaway (see above) or spontaneous short-circuiting is usually considered. In many cases, a failed capacitor will cause termination of normal circuit operation, but no other ill effects. However, if sufficient power is available, catastrophic thermal runaway may cause a fire or small explosion. If this situation is a possibility, external current limiting (e.g. thermal fuse, circuit breaker) is often used to prevent catastrophic failure.

Suntan Ceramic Capacitor – Must in New Technology

Ceramic capacitor is something that a lot of people would need in order to facilitate their life. If you do not think about this before, this is normal indeed. In fact, there are a lot of devices which are using ceramic capacitors nowadays and you normally would not notice about that. When you are using the internet to browse articles, you are actually using the ceramic capacitors already. Yes, it is because there are a lot of devices which would involve the use of ceramic capacitors and the computer could be one.

A lot of organizations would need ceramic capacitors if you think deeper. Yes, they would need this kind of device to continue their innovative processes in the design of the products which involve the high technology. This is also why a lot of people would try to sell this kind of products through various means.

Suntan Electrolytic Capacitor Reverse Voltage

Electrolytic capacitors generally have a positive and a negative terminal. As we said earlier, the plates (foil) of the capacitor are anodized with a DC current. This anodizing process sets up the polarity of the plate material (it determines which side of the plate is positive and which is negative). We also said that part of the electrolyte was to help heal a damaged plate. Since it has the properties to heal a damaged plate, it has the ability to randomize the plate. Since anodizing process can be reversed, the electrolyte has the ability to remove the oxide coating from the foil. This would happen if the capacitor was connected with reverse polarity. Since the electrolyte can conduct electricity, if the aluminum oxide layer is removed, the capacitor would readily pass direct current from one plate to the other (it would basically be a short circuit from one plate to the other). This would, of course, render the cap useless.

Suntan Modeling Absorptive Capacitors

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All Kinds of Capacitors

Dielectric absorption in a capacitor is difficult to characterize accurately because of the very wide range of the time constants involved and because of the high level of performance required in the measuring equipment. To get a good characterization, the capacitor response must be measured for a range of frequencies at least three decades higher and lower than 1/τ0. Frequency domain measurements must be made with vector impedance analyzers that can accurately resolve a small resistive component in a largely reactive impedance (they must be able to accurately measure large values of Q). In the frequency domain the resistive portion of the impedance gives the most information about dielectric absorption. In the time domain, which is usually used for measurement longer than 100 ms, an ammeter is needed with very low bias current and the ability to resolve very low currents. If these instruments are available, then an accurate and complete model can be made, but such a model is often not required. To completely model dielectric absorption would require, in most cases, a range of accuracy that spans ten decades of frequency or more. Generally, however, the application does not warrant such a model and one can get by with a model that is faithful to the behavior of the physical component over a much smaller range of frequencies.

Suntan about Capacitors

Because of the special winding design the ESR values of the new capacitors have been lowered by 30 percent at 60 °C and the thermal resistance between base and windings has been reduced by 50 percent. The robust capacitors also feature a specially reinforced case for high long-term stability.

Thanks to the reduction of their longitudinal tolerance to ±0.2 mm, entire capacitor banks can be connected without problems via comparatively thin thermal pads to heat sinks. This ensures an optimal thermal connection to the heat sink and simultaneously lowers costs. Under suitable operating conditions, up to 50 percent higher ripple current capability can be achieved.

Suntan about Capacitors Numerical markings

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

On capacitors that are large enough (e.g. electrolytic capacitors) the capacity and working voltage are printed on the body without encoding. Sometimes the markings also include the maximum working temperature, manufacturer's name and other information.

Smaller capacitors use a shorthand notation, to display all the relevant information in the limited space. The most commonly used format is: XYZ J/K/M VOLTS V, where XYZ represents the capacitance (calculated as XY×10Z pF), the letters J, K or M indicate the tolerance (±5%, ±10% and ±20% respectively) and VOLTS V represents the working voltage.

Polarised capacitors, for which one electrode must always be positive relative to the other, have clear polarity markings, usually a stripe or a "-" sign on the side of the negative electrode. Also, the negative lead is usually shorter.

Su Suntan Tantalum Capacitor Reverse Voltage

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

(1)Because the solid tantalum capacitor is of polar type, do not apply a reverse voltage to it.

(2)The figure on the below shows the relationship between current and reverse voltage.

Suntan Dipped Mica Capacitors

Suntan Dipped Mica Capacitors are designed to meet the exacting physical, electrical and environmental requirements of the MIL-C-5 and RS-153 specifications.

It is well known that natural mica is extremely stable against heat. Silvered mica is made by printing electrodes on mica film with special silver paste. The silvered films are stacked to the desired value interleaved with metal foils for contact. Then the terminals are clamped on to the element. (The terminals are copper clad steel wires finished with a solider coating for good solder ability). The clamped unit is either dipped under vacuum in epoxy resin and coated with epoxy powder conformably or dipped in phenolic resin and vacuum impregnated with liquid epoxy resin. The envelope thus formed gives high moisture and heat resistance to the unit. This design ensures high reliability and stability.

Careful selection of raw materials and constant monitoring of all equipment and processes provides an overall uniform level of quality consistent with the stringent requirements of today's most sophisticated electronic equipment.