Suntan show you what is axial typed aluminum electrolytic capacitor

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All Kinds of Capacitors

Série de capacitores eletrolíticos de alumínio tipo axial TS13AH com baixo vazamento, 2 tipos de borracha.

O bronzeador TS13AH é uma série de capacitores eletrolíticos de alumínio tipo axial com baixo vazamento, 2 tipos de borracha.

 105 ° C, 1000 horas asseguradas
 Faixa de tensão de 6,3 ~ 450V
 Ampla faixa de temperatura operacional, de -40 ° C ~ + 105 ° C

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Suntan SNAP-IN Electrolytic Capacitor with Competitive Prices, Short Lead Time

Suntan Technology Company Limited
--All kinds of Capacitors

Suntan continua oferecendo o Capacitor Eletrolítico SNAP-IN com preços competitivos e prazo de entrega curto.

Aqui mais detalhes para sua referência:
Alumínio Elec. Capacitores - Snap-in Tipo 85'C, para rede de alto-falantes -------- TS13DP-CD293
Alumínio Elec. Capacitores - Tipo de encaixe 2000H a 105 'C, Geral ----------- TS13DR-CD294
Alumínio Elec. Capacitores - Tipo de encaixe 5000H a 85 'C, miniaturizados ------- TS13DQ-CD295
Alumínio Elec. Capacitores - Tipo de encaixe 3000H a 105 'C, miniaturizados ------ TS13DS-CD296
Alumínio Elec. Capacitores - Tipo de encaixe 5000H a 105 'C, vida útil longa --------- TS13D0-CD297
Alumínio Elec. Capacitores - Snap-in Tipo 85'C para P.F.C. Circuito ------------- TS13DW-CDPC

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Suntan SNAP-IN Electrolytic Capacitor with Competitive Prices, Short Lead Time

Suntan Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors - TS14

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All Kinds of Capacitors

Since 1978, Suntan Technology Company Limited started in selling all kinds of capacitors from our headquarters in Hong Kong. We mainly produce Dipped & SMD Tantalum Capacitors, Radial & SMD Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors and Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors.

Here, we focus on introducing the aluminum electrolytic capacitor. It has radial type, axial type, SMD type, snap in type, screw type and LUG type. TS14, as the example of aluminum electrolytic capacitor, belongs to the radial type. Its characteristical includes wide temperature range, long life, mininature and low impedance.

Below is some information about it for you referance.


LoadLife(85) Characteristics

  • Operating Temperature Range() : -40~+105
  • Capacitance Tolerance (20, 120Hz): ±20%
  • Capacitance Range : 0.1uF - 15000uF
  • Rated Voltage Range (V) :6.3~100V
  • Ripple current performance: Up to 2,000 mA
  • Wide temperature range
  • Miniature and low impedance
  • Long life:105 2000 hours
  • Leakage current :
    Not more than the specified value.
  • Capacitance Change:
    Within ±20% of the initial value.
  • Dissiation Factor: Not more than 200% of the specified value
  • RoHS compliant

If you want to know more details, please click this link.

Suntan Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors - TS13DE-CD110X

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All Kinds of Capacitors

Suntan introduces the TS13DE - CD11OX series of radial leaded aluminum electrolytic capacitors.  What's radial capacitors ? Radial capacitors have two leads which stick out from the bottom of the capacitor. They are a different configuration to axial capacitors in that sense because axial have one lead that sticks out from either end.

By improving material technology, Suntan has been able to increase lifetime to 2,000 hours at 85°C—over previous generation products and also improve capacitance tolerance. These capacitors are suitable for switching mode adapters, line noise removal and other products with long lifetime requirements


 Load Life (85) Characteristics

  • Operating Temperature Range() : -40~+85
  • Capacitance Tolerance (20, 120Hz): ±20%
  • Capacitance Range : 0.1uF - 15000uF
  • Rated Voltage Range (V) :6.3~100V
  • Ripple current performance: Up to 3,800 mA  
  • CD 110 Miniatned Series Miniatured
  •  85 2000 hours garanteed
  • Leakage current :
  • Not more than the specified value.
  • Capacitance Change: Within ±20% of the initial value.
  • Dissipation Factor: Not more than 200% of the specified value
  • RoHS compliant

If you want to know more details, please click this link.
