Suntan Technology Company Limited

----All Kinds of Capacitors

Esta semana, gostaríamos de apresentar COIN TIPE ULTRA CAPACITOR – Gold Capacitors TS12-01 para você
A seguir está uma COIN TIPE ULTRA CAPACITOR especificações e características.

Características do Capacitor Ultra Tipo Moeda
Tipo moeda padrão.
Pequeno, grande capacidade.

Especificações do Capacitor Ultra Tipo Moeda
Nome da Série Série TS12-01
Tensão nominal VR 5.5V
Tensão de surto 5.8V
Faixa de capacidade 0.1F~1.5F
Faixa de temperatura de funcionamento -25~ +70℃
Vida normal do ciclo da temperatura: 25℃, 500.000 ciclos entre VR e 1/2VR, atenuação da capacidade≤30%, mudança do ESR≤4 vezes.
Vida de resistência de alta temperatura: 70℃, mantenha VR, 1000 horas. Atenuação da capacidade≤30%, mudança do ESR≤4 vezes.

Boa vinda para entrar em contato conosco para saber mais sobre nossas peças.



Suntan TS20S Series of Solid Polymer Tantalum Capacitor in Daily Life

Suntan Technology Company Limited

---All kinds of Capacitors

Como os capacitores de tântalo condutor de polímero condutor super baixo ESR - TS20S, talvez as pessoas pensem que esses capacitores estão longe da vida cotidiana. Na verdade, eles sempre existem nos eletrônicos dos consumidores que usamos, mas você conhece as características deles?
Os capacitores de tântalo sólido da série TS20S da Suntan incluem recursos como Super Low ESR, retenção de capacitância de alta frequência, eficiência volumétrica, alta resistência a ondulações e vida útil extremamente longa.
Faixa de temperatura operacional: -55 ° C ~ + 105 ° C (> 80 ° C com valor nominal de voltagem)
Estojo marcado a laser
Tolerância de capacitância: +/- 20%; +/- 10% (para pedidos especiais)
Fuga DC a 25 ° C: 1o <= 0,01 Cr ou 0,5Ma (o que for maior)
Desacoplamento, suavização, filtragem
Armazenamento de energia em massa em placas sem fio
Equipamento de infraestrutura
Armazenamento e rede
Conversores DC / DC

Su Suntan - Updated Suntan’s Stock Availability in HK Warehouse

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

Para sermos mais eficientes, sempre temos estoque para nossos produtos mais vendidos.
Por favor, veja o quadro abaixo para o nosso estoque QTY atualizado em 8 de abril

M7 DO-214AC Tape & Reel RoHS 825,000
TS19 Tan Cap 100uF 16V +/-20% P:2.54 RoHS  2,000
TSC3S503T1R 17,000
TSC3S506T1R 38,000
TSC3S510T1R 85,000
TSC3S520T1R 39,000
TSC3S530T1R 73,000
Diode LL4148 LL-34 Tape & Reel RoHS MPQ:2.5K 480,000
Diode LL4148 LL-34 Tape & Reel RoHS MPQ:10K 600,000
Se você tiver algum interesse neles, entre em contato com nossa equipe de vendas para obter mais detalhes. Obrigado!

Suntan General Bridge Rectifier Product Range Su Trademark

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors


2W005, 2W01, 2W02, 2W04, 2W06, 2W08, 2W10




KBP3005, KBP301, KBP302, KBP304, KBP306, KBP308, KBP310


GBP2005, GBP201, GBP202, GBP204, GBP206, GBP208, GBP210


GBP3005, GBP301, GBP302, GBP304, GBP306, GBP308, GBP310


KBL601, KBL602, KBL604, KBL606, KBL608, KBL610


KBU4005, KBU401, KBU402, KBU404, KBU406, KBU408, KBU410


DB201, DB202, DB203, DB204, DB205, DB206, DB207


DB201S, DB202S, DB203S, DB204S, DB205S, DB206S, DB207S


GBL4005, GBL401, GBL402, GBL404, GBL406, GBL408, GBL410


KBU15005, KBU1501, KBU1502, KBU1504, KBU1506, KBU1508, KBU1510


KBU25005, KBU2501, KBU2502, KBU2504, KBU2506,KBU2508, KBU2510


KBU35005, KBU3501, KBU3502, KBU3504, KBU3506, KBU3508, KBU3510


GBU20005, GBU2001, GBU2002, GBU2004, GBU2006, GBU2008, GBU2010


GBU25005, GBU2501, GBU2502, GBU2504, GBU2506, GBU2508, GBU2510


KBPC15005W, KBPC1501W, KBPC1502W, KBPC1504W, KBPC1506W, KBPC1508W, KBPC1510W


KBPC3005, KBPC301, KBPC302, KBPC304, KBPC306, KBPC308, KBPC310


KBJ8005, KBJ801, KBJ802, KBJ804, KBJ806, KBJ808, KBJ810


KBJ10005, KBJ1001, KBJ1002, KBJ1004, KBJ1006, KBJ1008, KBJ1010


KBJ15005, KBJ1501, KBJ1502, KBJ1504, KBJ1506, KBJ1508, KBJ1510


BR15005, BR1501, BR1502, BR1504, BR1506, BR1508, BR1510


BR35005, BR3501, BR3502, BR3504, BR3506, BR3508, BR3510


GBJ50005, GBJ5001, GBJ5002, GBJ5004, GBJ5006, GBJ5008, GBJ5010


MT3506, MT3508, MT3510, MT3512, MT3514, MT3516


MT5006, MT5008, MT5010, MT5012, MT5014, MT5016


BR50005, BR5001, BR5002, BR5004, BR5006, BR5008, BR5010


BR15005W, BR1501W, BR1502W, BR1504W, BR1506W, BR1508W, BR1510W


BR35005W, BR3501W, BR3502W, BR3504W, BR3506W, BR3508W, BR3510W


BR50005W, BR5001W, BR5002W, BR5004W, BR5006W, BR5008W, BR5010W


BR15005L, BR1501L, BR1502L, BR1504L, BR1506L, BR1508L, BR1510L


BR25005L, BR2501L, BR2502L, BR2504L, BR2506L, BR2508L, BR2510L


BR35005L, BR3501L, BR3502L, BR3504L, BR3506L, BR3508L, BR3510L


BR50005L, BR5001L, BR5002L, BR5004L, BR5006L, BR5008L, BR5010L

D2KB05 thru D2KB10

D2KB05, D2KB1, D2KB2, D2KB4, D2KB6, D2KB8, D2KB10

D3KB05 thru D3KB10

D3KB05, D3KB1, D3KB2, D3KB4, D3KB6, D3KB8, D3KB10

D4KB05 thru D4KB10

D4KB05, D4KB1, D4KB2, D4KB4, D4KB6, D4KB8, D4KB10

Para mais detalhes verifique:

Suntan Gold Capacitors---Super Capacitor

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

A super capacitor is also known as a double-layer capacitor. It polarizes an electrolytic solution to store energy electro statically. Though it is an electrochemical device, no chemical reactions are involved in its energy storage mechanism. This mechanism is highly reversible, and allows the ultra capacitor to be charged and discharged hundreds of thousands of times.

A super capacitor can be viewed as two non reactive porous plates, or collectors, suspended within an electrolyte, with a voltage potential applied across the collectors. In an individual super capacitor cell, the applied potential on the positive electrode attracts the negative ions in the electrolyte, while the potential on the negative electrode attracts the positive ions. A dielectric separator between the two electrodes prevents the charge from moving between the two electrodes.

Su Suntan Analyze How Capacitors Work

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

In a way, a capacitor is a little like a battery. Although they work in completely different ways, capacitors and batteries both store electrical energy. If you have read How Batteries Work, then you know that a battery has two terminals. Inside the battery, chemical reactions produce electrons on one terminal and absorb electrons on the other terminal. A capacitor is much simpler than a battery, as it can't produce new electrons -- it only stores them.

In this article, we'll learn exactly what a capacitor is, what it does and how it's used in electronics. We'll also look at the history of the capacitor and how several people helped shape its progress.

Inside the capacitor, the terminals connect to two metal plates separated by a non-conducting substance, or dielectric. You can easily make a capacitor from two pieces of aluminum foil and a piece of paper. It won't be a particularly good capacitor in terms of its storage capacity, but it will work.

In theory, the dielectric can be any non-conductive substance. However, for practical applications, specific materials are used that best suit the capacitor's function. Mica, ceramic, cellulose, porcelain, Mylar, Teflon and even air are some of the non-conductive materials used. The dielectric dictates what kind of capacitor it is and for what it is best suited. Depending on the size and type of dielectric, some capacitors are better for high frequency uses, while some are better for high voltage applications. Capacitors can be manufactured to serve any purpose, from the smallest plastic capacitor in your calculator, to an ultra capacitor that can power a commuter bus. NASA uses glass capacitors to help wake up the space shuttle's circuitry and help deploy space probes. Here are some of the various types of capacitors and how they are used.

  • Air - Often used in radio tuning circuits
  • Mylar - Most commonly used for timer circuits like clocks, alarms and counters
  • Glass - Good for high voltage applications
  • Ceramic - Used for high frequency purposes like antennas, X-ray and MRI machines
  • Super capacitor - Powers electric and hybrid cars

In the next section, we'll take a closer look at exactly how capacitors work.
