Su Suntan Holiday Notice for May

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

A empresa Suntan terá dois feriados em maio - o dia internacional do trabalho em 1º de maio e o aniversário do Buda em 13 de maio. Por favor, organize todas as remessas e encomendas. E lembre a todos os clientes que, se você deseja receber as mercadorias antes das férias de verão, por favor, faça o pedido ativamente para que possamos ter tempo suficiente para concluir a produção. Muito obrigado.

Suntan Holiday Schedule for National Day and Mid-Autumn Day

Suntan Technology Company Limited
--- All Kinds of Capacitors

O dia nacional chinês e o festival tradicional Mid-Autumn Day estão em breve! Como anteriormente, seguiremos a regulamentação do governo de Hong Kong para estar fora em 2 de outubro e 5 de outubro, sem mudança de horário extra como continente da China para vincular um feriado longo. Seus e-mails e outros pedidos não serão respondidos tão rápido quanto normal, mas no máximo em 3 a 4 dias, estaremos de volta e entraremos em contato.

Desejo-lhe uma vida perfeita, como a lua mais redonda durante o feriado.

Suntan Polyester Film Capacitors Win Good Markets in India

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All Kinds of Capacitors

The electronic device design and assembly industry, specially for Capacitive Discharge Ignition System, proper switch mode power supply (SMPS), lighting systemsshare large in India, which require Millions film capacitors. As per a customer of Suntan, Vishay/ Epcos were ruling this market but due to price pressure more and more manufacturers are looking at other options. The key is dielectric should be maintained or bettered as compared to Standards of Vishay/ Epcos, so the right option is limit. While more and more manufacturers are coming to Suntan for looking for replacements and new crossings as Suntan can offer right performance of capacitors, therefore stable shipments to India were increased gradually.

Suntan's plastic Film Capacitors with the high withstand-current performance of the conventional capacitors for photo flashes are used now widely for general appliances, industrial equipment, digital equipment, automotive electrical components, and hybrid cars which are required to offer high reliability and long life. All products are environmental-conscious and comply with RoHS Directive. The temperatures can go up to 105'C at most. 
The general suitable types are listed as below:

Plastic film capacitor lines:

Mylar film capacitor (small size)----------------------------TS01
MKT Metallized film capacitor(standard)-----------------TS02
Metallized film capacitor(AC voltage)--------------------- TS02A
Box type MKT P:5mm metal film capacitor---------------TS05
X2 275VAC Box film capacitor------------------------------ TS08S
MKP High voltage film capacitor--------------------------- TS09
MKP High voltage Box MPP(DC/AC)---------------------- TS09B
larger value AC film capacitor------------------------------ TS11
Axail film capacitor--------------------------------------------- TS04

Suntan technical department are ready here to provide further supports and sales are waiting for new inquiry.
Old customers welcome to check offers with Suntan sales, and new customers, please click to check prices and stocks !

Thank you for your attention!
