Suntan How Cloud Capacitors Cause Lightning?

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors 

When clouds drift through the sky, ice particles inside them rub against the air and gain static electrical charges—in just the same way that a balloon gets charged up when you rub it on your jumper. The top of a cloud becomes positively charged when smaller ice particles swirl upward (1); the bottom of a cloud becomes negatively charged when the heavier ice particles gather lower down (2). The separation of positive and negative charges in a cloud makes a kind of moving capacitor!

As a cloud floats along, the electric charge it contains affects things on the ground beneath it. The huge negative charge at the bottom of the cloud repels negative charge away from it, so the ground effectively becomes positively charged (3). The separation of charge between the bottom of the cloud and the ground beneath means that this area of the atmosphere is also, effectively, a capacitor.

Over time, enormous electrical charges can build up inside clouds. If the charge is really big, the cloud contains an enormous amount of electrical potential energy (it has a really high voltage). When the voltage reaches a certain level (sometimes several hundred million volts), the air is transformed from being an insulator into a conductor, and electricity will flow through it as though it were a metal wire, creating a giant spark better known as a bolt of lightning (4). The cloud behaves like a flash gun in a camera: the huge electrical energy stored in its "capacitor" is discharged in an instant and converted into a flash of light.

Suntan Tell You How do We Measure Capacitance?

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

The size of a capacitor is measured in units called farads (F), named for English electrical pioneer Michael Faraday (1791–1867). One farad is a huge amount of capacitance so, in practice, most of the capacitors we come across are just fractions of a farad—typically microfarads (thousandths of a farad, written μF), nanofarads (thousand-millionths of a farad written nF), and picofarads (million millionths of a farad, written pF). Supercapacitors store far bigger charges, sometimes rated in thousands of farads.

Suntan Capacitor uF - nF - pF Conversion Chart

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

When reading schematics, repairing radios and buying capacitors, you often must convert between uF, nF and pF.

Paper and electrolytic capacitors are usually expressed in terms of uF (microfarads). Short forms for micro farad include uF, mfd, MFD, MF and UF. Mica capacitors are usually expressed in terms of pF (micromicrofarads) (picofarads).

Short forms for micromicrofarads include pF, mmfd, MMFD, MMF, uuF and PF. A pF is one-millionth of a uF. In between a pF and a uF is a nF which is one-one thousands of a uF. Converting back and forth between uF, nF and pF can be confusing with all those darn decimal points to worry about. Below is a uF - nF- pF conversion chart.

1uF / MFD 1000nF 1000000pF
0.82uF / MFD 820nF 820000pF
0.8uF / MFD 800nF 800000pF
0.7uF / MFD 700nF 700000pF
0.68uF / MFD 680nF 680000pF
0.6uF / MFD 600nF 600000pF
0.56uF / MFD 560nF 560000pF
0.5uF / MFD 500nF 500000pF
0.47uF / MFD 470nF 470000pF
0.4uF / MFD 400nF 400000pF
0.39uF / MFD 390nF 390000pF
0.33uF / MFD 330nF 330000pF
0.3uF / MFD 300nF 300000pF
0.27uF / MFD 270nF 270000pF
0.25uF / MFD 250nF 250000pF
0.22uF / MFD 220nF 220000pF
0.2uF / MFD 200nF 200000pF
0.18uF / MFD 180nF 180000pF
0.15uF / MFD 150nF 150000pF
0.12uF / MFD 120nF 120000pF
0.1uF / MFD 100nF 100000pF
0.082uF / MFD 82nF 82000pF
0.08uF / MFD 80nF 80000pF
0.07uF / MFD 70nF 70000pF
0.068uF / MFD 68nF 68000pF
0.06uF / MFD 60nF 60000pF
0.056uF / MFD 56nF 56000pF
0.05uF / MFD 50nF 50000pF
0.047uF / MFD 47nF 47000pF
0.04uF / MFD 40nF 40000pF
0.039uF / MFD 39nF 39000pF
0.033uF / MFD 33nF 33000pF
0.03uF / MFD 30nF 30000pF
0.027uF / MFD 27nF 27000pF
0.025uF / MFD 25nF 25000pF
0.022uF / MFD 22nF 22000pF
0.02uF / MFD 20nF 20000pF
0.018uF / MFD 18nF 18000pF
0.015uF / MFD 15nF 15000pF
0.012uF / MFD 12nF 12000pF
0.01uF / MFD 10nF 10000pF
0.0082uF / MFD 8.2nF 8200pF
0.008uF / MFD 8nF 8000pF
0.007uF / MFD 7nF 7000pF
0.0068uF / MFD 6.8nF 6800pF
0.006uF / MFD 6nF 6000pF
0.0056uF / MFD 5.6nF 5600pF
0.005uF / MFD 5nF 5000pF
0.0047uF / MFD 4.7nF 4700pF
0.004uF / MFD 4nF 4000pF
0.0039uF / MFD 3.9nF 3900pF
0.0033uF / MFD 3.3nF 3300pF
0.003uF / MFD 3nF 3000pF
0.0027uF / MFD 2.7nF 2700pF
0.0025uF / MFD 2.5nF 2500pF
0.0022uF / MFD 2.2nF 2200pF
0.002uF / MFD 2nF 2000pF
0.0018uF / MFD 1.8nF 1800pF
0.0015uF / MFD 1.5nF 1500pF
0.0012uF / MFD 1.2nF 1200pF
0.001uF / MFD 1nF 1000pF
0.00082uF / MFD 0.82nF 820pF
0.0008uF / MFD 0.8nF 800pF
0.0007uF / MFD 0.7nF 700pF
0.00068uF / MFD 0.68nF 680pF
0.0006uF / MFD 0.6nF 600pF
0.00056uF / MFD 0.56nF 560pF
0.0005uF / MFD 0.5nF 500pF
0.00047uF / MFD 0.47nF 470pF
0.0004uF / MFD 0.4nF 400pF
0.00039uF / MFD 0.39nF 390pF
0.00033uF / MFD 0.33nF 330pF
0.0003uF / MFD 0.3nF 300pF
0.00027uF / MFD 0.27nF 270pF
0.00025uF / MFD 0.25nF 250pF
0.00022uF / MFD 0.22nF 220pF
0.0002uF / MFD 0.2nF 200pF
0.00018uF / MFD 0.18nF 180pF
0.00015uF / MFD 0.15nF 150pF
0.00012uF / MFD 0.12nF 120pF
0.0001uF / MFD 0.1nF 100pF
0.000082uF / MFD 0.082nF 82pF
0.00008uF / MFD 0.08nF 80pF
0.00007uF / MFD 0.07nF 70pF
0.000068uF / MFD 0.068nF 68pF
0.00006uF / MFD 0.06nF 60pF
0.000056uF / MFD 0.056nF 56pF
0.00005uF / MFD 0.05nF 50pF
0.000047uF / MFD 0.047nF 47pF
0.00004uF / MFD 0.04nF 40pF
0.000039uF / MFD 0.039nF 39pF
0.000033uF / MFD 0.033nF 33pF
0.00003uF / MFD 0.03nF 30pF
0.000027uF / MFD 0.027nF 27pF
0.000025uF / MFD 0.025nF 25pF
0.000022uF / MFD 0.022nF 22pF
0.00002uF / MFD 0.02nF 20pF
0.000018uF / MFD 0.02nF 20pF
0.000015uF / MFD 0.015nF 15pF
0.000012uF / MFD 0.012nF 12pF
0.00001uF / MFD 0.01nF 10pF
0.0000082uF / MFD 0.0082nF 8.2pF
0.000008uF / MFD 0.008nF 8pF
0.000007uF / MFD 0.007nF 7pF
0.0000068uF / MFD 0.0068nF 6.8pF
0.000006uF / MFD 0.006nF 6pF
0.0000056uF / MFD 0.0056nF 5.6pF
0.000005uF / MFD 0.005nF 5pF
0.0000047uF / MFD 0.0047nF 4.7pF
0.000004uF / MFD 0.004nF 4pF
0.0000039uF / MFD 0.0039nF 3.9pF
0.0000033uF / MFD 0.0033nF 3.3pF
0.000003uF / MFD 0.003nF 3pF
0.0000027uF / MFD 0.0027nF 2.7pF
0.0000025uF / MFD 0.0025nF 2.5pF
0.0000022uF / MFD 0.0022nF 2.2pF
0.000002uF / MFD 0.002nF 2pF
0.0000018uF / MFD 0.0018nF 1.8pF
0.0000015uF / MFD 0.0015nF 1.5pF
0.0000012uF / MFD 0.0012nF 1.2pF
0.000001uF / MFD 0.001nF 1pF

+/-5%(J), +/-10%(K), +/-20%(M)The letter after the marking often indicates the tolerance.

Example:101K would be 100pf, +/-10%

When You Are Tired, Do You Get a Headache Converting Picofarads to Microfarads?
Maybe this will help you.

4.7 mmf or pf = .0000047 mf
47 mmf or pf = .000047 mf
470 mmf or pf = .00047 mf
4,700 mmf or pf = .0047 mf
47,000 mmf or pf = .047 mf
470,000 mmf or pf = .47 mf

Suntan Tantalum Capacitor and Ceramic trimmer capacitor

Do you need Ceramic Trimmer Capacitor now? Suntan is a Trimmer capacitor in both SMD & radial type. We offer trimmer in:

3mm trimmer capacitor       
5mm trimmer capacitor      
6mm trimmer capacitor
7mm trimmer capacitor

Please visit our website: and send us email to if you have any inquire.


Suntan Vacuum variable capacitor

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

A vacuum variable capacitor uses a high vacuum as the dielectric instead of air or other insulating material. This allows for a higher voltage rating and/or capacitance value using a smaller total volume. In addition to the higher voltage rating a vacuum dielectric greatly reduces the chance of arcing between the plates. There are several different designs in vacuum variables, the most common geometry of the capacitor plates is usually inter-meshed concentric cylinders. The meshed cylinders are contained within a glass or ceramic vacuum envelope, similar to an electron tube. A metal bellows is used to maintain a vacuum seal while allowing positional control for the moving parts of the capacitor.

Common Applications

Vacuum variable capacitors are commonly used in high voltage applications 5000 volts(5kV) and above. They are used in equipment such as high powered broadcast transmitters, Amateur radio RF Amplifiers and large Antenna tuners.

Other Variations

A fixed value vacuum capacitor. Other variations of vacuum capacitors include fixed value capacitors. Fixed value capacitors are designed very much like the variable versions with the exception of an adjustment mechanism.


When compared to other variable capacitors vacuum variables tend to be more precise and more stable. This is due to the vacuum itself. Because of the sealed chamber the dielectric constant remains the same over a wider range of operating conditions. With air Variable capacitors the air moving around the plates may change the value slightly; often it’s not much but in some applications is enough to cause undesirable effects. Another common problem with air variables is dust and insects. Dust collected on the plates or a curious insect can raise havoc. A wandering spider is bound to make fireworks with the open frame design used on most air variable capacitors.

Vacuum variable capacitors are generally more expensive than Air Variable Capacitors this is primarily due to their design and the materials used. Although most use copper and glass some may use other materials such as ceramics and metals such as gold and silver. Vacuum variables also vary in adjustment mechanisms which range from course to fine.

Suntan is a Hong Kong based manufacturer of Ceramic Capacitors. Including High Voltage Ceramic CapacitorsMultilayer Ceramic CapacitorsCeramic Disc CapacitorMini Type Ceramic Capacitors etc.

Suntan Capacitors

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

Suntan pictures of Capacitors. Notice that all these capacitors have two wires coming out of them, one attached to each plate.

Suntan is well established and specializes in service and quality with an extensive export and import network. We provide quick turn around for our customers all over the world. Almost 30 years experience with all types of passive components using good materials, state of the art equipment and technology and ongoing QC coupled with extensive R & D assure our customers of the best quality and on time delivery.

Suntan offer many kinds of capacitors. Don’t hesitate to send us inquire to .We will show you good quality and best price.

Suntan Mica Capacitors – TS23

Mica Capacitor Specifications:

Capacitance Range : 1pf – 22,000pf
Tolerance : ±0.5pf, ±1%, ±2%, ±5% ~ 20%
Rated Voltage : dc 50v, 100v, 300v, 500v
Operating Temperature: -55℃ ~ 125℃
Withstanding Voltage: rated voltage x 2 (vdc) within 1-5 seconds


Suntan Aluminum Periodic Table

Basic Information:

Atomic Number: 13 
Atomic Mass: 26.981539 amu 
Melting Point: 660.37℃ (933.52 K, 1220.666 °F) 
Boiling Point: 2467.0℃ (2740.15 K, 4472.6 °F) 
Number of Protons/Electrons: 13 
Number of Neutrons: 14 
Classification: Other Metals 
Crystal Structure: Cubic 
Density @ 293 K: 2.702 g/cm3 
Color: Silver 
British Spelling: Aluminium 
IUPAC Spelling: Aluminium

Atomic Structure:

Number of Energy Levels: 3
First Energy Level: 2
Second Energy Level: 8
Third Energy Level: 3


Isotope Half Life
AI-26 730000.0 years
AI-27 Stable
AI-28 2.3 minutes


Date of Discovery: 1825
Discoverer: Hans Christian Oersted
Name Origin: From the Latin word alumen
Uses: airplanes, soda cans
Obtained From: bauxite

Suntan Soldering and Cleaning of Ceramic Trimmer Capacitors

If using an iron for manual soldering (for prototyping or repairs, for example) use an appropriate size and temperature so that the high temperature exposure of the trimmer is less than 3 seconds.
We strongly recommend the use of water soluble fluxes for soldering, followed by cleaning in water containing detergents, and then a clear water rinse.

Some operations still use Freon or similar fluorinated or chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents. These solvents have a tendency to remove the lubricant, which in turn makes for bumpy adjustment, and will degrade the tuning torque, adjustment life, and other mechanical specifications.

In general, the minimum exposure to cleaning solutions is recommended. The gentlest would be the detergent and water rinses at fairly low temperatures. When chlorinated or fluorinated hydrocarbons are used, the boards should never be plunged into the solvent solution, but rather maintained in the vapor area of the defluxing equipment, and for the minimum possible time. Most desirable would be to clean only the bottom of the printed circuit board, as with board scrubbers.

The unsealed GKG models are usually specified for consumer applications where cleaning after soldering is normally not required. Should cleaning be required, the method to use would be to clean the bottom of the board, as with board scrubbers. If a solvent is used when cleaning the GKG series, sealed versions should be specified to prevent the solvent from being trapped in the housing and degrading performance.

Other precautions for using ceramic trimmer capacitors include:

Beware of excessive handling with bare hands as, "finger oil" and dirt can bring down Q and insulation resistance values.

Terminals should not be cut or reformed, as this could cause deformation of the spring or breaking of the rotor.

Suntan Mylar Capacitors - TS01

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All Kinds of Capacitors

Suntan hot offer Mylar capacitors, below shows you the features.

Good reputation in use with consumer & industrial electronics. 
Optimum for automatic insertion due to their small size and light weight.
Coated with epoxy resin for superior heat resistance, humidity resistance and solvent resistance.

Also Suntan is a manufacturer of Plastic Film Capacitors, Trimming Potentiometers, Capacitors, Varistors and so on. The more details you can look through the website:

We are welcome to received your inquire and solve you problem.